As soon as autumn comes, the days get shorter, the temperatures drop, the sun rays start to fail, all this almost makes us want to hibernate or at least to sleep more. But paradoxically our sleep is often of lesser quality in winter, here are some explanations.

The lack of light disturbs our biological clock

Our biological clock works with daylight, it’s the one that, in the morning, launches our organism in wake-up mode and makes us want to sleep when night falls.
But in winter, natural light is much less present, and we tend to stay indoors because of the cold or the rain, so we expose ourselves much less to light, which has a negative influence on our biological clock and affects the quality of our sleep.
Yet we need to sleep more to boost our immunity and fight against viruses and winter cold...

Seasonal depression affects sleep

If we feel less active and more sleepy when it is dark, it does not mean that we sleep better. The lack of light and winter weather are unfortunately conducive to stress and SAD.
The drop in morale caused by the lack of light is characterized by dark thoughts (financial worries, professional worries, childcare...) which can lead to sleep difficulties and insomnia.

Solutions for better sleep in winter

One of the best ways to remedy winter stress and insomnia is to spend more time outside! You have to do something about it and not give in to cocooning urges. Get outside and do some physical activity: run, bike or take a 30-minute walk at lunchtime for example.
During the week, try to get some fresh air when the light is brightest. On weekends, don’t stay at home just because the weather is not good, go outside to enjoy the maximum light.

Don’t forget that blue light acts as a wake-up signal for our biological clock, so it is imperative to turn off screens at least one hour before going to sleep. Take advantage of your evening to rediscover the pleasure of reading, wrapped in a soft blanket, sipping a soothing tea before going to sleep in a room whose temperature will not exceed 18 degrees. Listen to soft music and go to bed as soon as the first signs of sleep appear, don’t fight it and listen to your biological clock.