When children become teenagers their need for sleep decreases but remains very important, the concern is that teenagers in general do not have an excellent lifestyle, an unhealthy diet and totally neglect their sleep... But insufficient and poor quality sleep can have disastrous repercussions on their physical and psychological health and academic performance.

The ideal sleep time for a teenager is 8 hours, which means that if they have to get up at 6:30 am to take the bus to go to school, they have to go to bed at 10:30 pm. Unfortunately, they often tend to delay the time of falling asleep because they spend a lot of time on their computer or mobile phone...

The quality of sleep is important because it is during deep sleep that the secretion of sex hormones takes place, and the duration of deep sleep decreases as the child grows older.

The consequences of late bedtime and lack of sleep are felt immediately and particularly academically: difficulty waking up in the morning, loss of concentration and alertness during the day, falling asleep during class, which can lead to long-term academic failure.

Behaviorally, teens who do not get enough sleep or who do not get good quality sleep can be very irritable, even entering a depressed state and turning even more to addictive substances, and lack of sleep can also lead to a decrease in immune defences.

To improve teenagers’ sleep, it would be necessary to:

Be physically active enough during the day

Remove all stimulants after 5pm (coffee, coca, alcohol, tobacco)

Do not eat too much and eat a balanced diet

Stop the screens one hour before going to sleep (i.e. around 9:30 pm!)

Replace Youtube videos with a book